Privacy Policy :EJi Travel Solutions

Privacy Policy

Eji Travel Policy

At EJI Travel Solutions, we understand and respect your privacy concerns. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information we collect, how it is used, and the measures we take to ensure its security.

Information We Collect:Personal Information: We may collect personal information such as names, contact details, and payment information when you book a trip, subscribe to our newsletter, or engage with our services.

Booking Information: Details related to your travel bookings, itineraries, preferences, and any special requests made by you.

Website Usage Data: We collect non-personal information, including IP addresses, browser types, and access times, to improve our website and enhance user experience.

How We Use Your Information:

Booking and Services: We use your personal information to process bookings, provide services, and communicate with you about your travel arrangements.

Marketing Communications: With your consent, we may send you promotional materials, updates, and newsletters. You can opt out of these communications at any time.

Improving Services: We analyse usage data to enhance our website, tailor our offerings, and improve our overall service quality.

Information Sharing:

Third-Party Service Providers: We may share necessary information with third-party service providers, such as airlines, hotels, and tour operators, to fulfil your travel arrangements.

Legal Compliance: We may disclose personal information as required by law or in response to legal requests.

Security Measures:We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Your Choices:

You can manage your communication preferences by opting in or out of marketing communications. Additionally, you have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. We will notify you of any significant changes through our website or other communication channels.

Contact Information:If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

By using our services, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

EJI Travel Solutions
SF-11, Ansal Fortune Arcade, Sec-18, Noida, India
Phone: +91-9711555505